Piper Mackay Photo Safaris celebrates ten years!

It is so exciting to announce I am celebrating ten years of leading safaris across Africa !!

First time in a Maasai village, May 2004

This past memorial weekend marks 17 years of travel through Africa. Even as I write this, it seems hard to believe. It seems like it was only a few years back that I was in the eighth year of this career transition and knowing I could not quit until after year ten because it takes ten years to make most things happen. The journey has been difficult and challenging, especially these past 16 months, but so much more rewarding than I could ever imagine. 

It all began in 2004 just after a painful break up of a long-term relationship and a friend said to me, “Go and travel, go somewhere you have always dreamed to go.” I was a big hiker back then and she recommended going on the Sierra Club website because they had great international trips. I went home and did just that. I got on their website, saw a trip to Africa, took out my credit card, and made the deposit. 

Look at that french manicure on my first trip to Africa, May 2004!!

I probably owned every DVD about Africa. It had been a dream to go on an African safari since I was a child. I was lucky to live in California and we had an African wildlife reserve here in Irvine called Lion Country Safari. My father would load us up in the wood-paneled station wagon with packed lunches and drive us through the park with predators and all. I dreamed to see the migration and experience real Africa, so looking forward to an African safari was perfect. Little did I know that a vacation to Africa would be pivotal moment in my life. 

A few months before the safari departure I was sent a list of what to bring, which included a 300mm lens. I had never even used a professional camera, so I walked down to the local camera store, told them I was going on safari, needed a 300mm lens and a camera to go with it. I bought the Canon 10D, a 75-300mm, and private lessons from the salesperson to show me how to use it. The world aperture was like a word from a foreign language. 

Learning to hunt with the Hadza in Tanzania, May 2004

From the moment the plane door opened, and I stepped foot in Africa, it was magic beyond my expectations. Four days into the safari, I sat in the middle of the Serengeti during the migration and said, “I am going to be a wildlife photographer and live at least one year of my life in Africa.” It sounded easy enough! Below is my first image of lions so you can see I had a LONG WAY to go if I was going to make that happen. However, below that is an image of a lion I captured on my own from my Landover back in 2019; I think I have come a long way. 

Flat lions, Tanzania 2004
No eyes or faces showing, Tanzania 2004
Tanzania 2015
lion with breath back lit in morning light
Maasai Mara Kenya, 2019

Overwhelmingly the best part of the last ten years was all of you who believed in me, supported this crazy dream, and have traveled with me multiple times; a few of  you were on my first safari and are currently registered for a future. The memories and friendships that developed are priceless and appreciated on an even greater level going through the past 16 months. 

Omo Valley, Oct 2013
Kenya – Oct 2019


As you can imagine, it is a challenge to try to plan anything special due to all the uncertainty, travel restrictions that still exist in many countries, and disrupted and postponed trips. However, we are busy behind the scenes plotting and planning some special offers with a deep appreciation for all of you who supported us for the past ten years. We have also been plotting and planning some very exciting changes for the next decade. Over the next few months I will begin a series of announcements and celebration specials, so make sure to keep an eye on your inboxes!

Kenya – Dec 2020
Kenya – Dec 2020

Looking forward to seeing you in the next decade!

13 Responses to “Piper Mackay Photo Safaris celebrates ten years!”

  1. Beth Tollefsen

    You truly are living a dream! Counting the days until I get to return to the magical place called Africa!

    • Piper

      I am working as hard as possible to live that dream. I want to look back with memories of what I did, even if there were a lot of hard lessons and failures, but with no regrets from not having the courage to try. See you in Africa soon!

  2. PiperAnne Worcester

    Though I‘be not met you , I share your passion and am constantly inspired by your photography! Your use of light is stellar! I am living my dream through you. I have been 3 times and feel very fortunate to have been! I hope to get back to Africa once more at least but my heart is there every minute of every day.

    • Piper

      Thank you! Is it a coincidence that we share a name and passion…LOL!! Living dreams are hard work and can be lived anywhere. I just know, from everyone who knows me, I smile more on African soil!!!

  3. Jennifer Bell

    Wow! Your dream comes to fruition!! You are living your passion! Keep that dust on your boots as it will never shake off!! Your in Africa now! Hope that some day I can travel with you! Congratulations…

    • Piper

      This dream came to fruition just by never giving up!! Believe me, there have been many moments I was ready to give up, but I just could never image doing anything else. That was much more scary thank working the problems again……. Hopefully I may see you in Kenya soon!!

  4. Victoria Carlson

    Piper, this is a great story! Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Wish you all the best in your relocation and the future business. Keep going! The sky is the limit! Hugs , Victoria

    • Piper

      Thank you lovely!! The next two weeks are going to be 24/7 crazy, but there is a cold Tusker waiting for me at the end!! Hopefully our paths will cross again in Kenya!! Sky is the limit!

  5. Larry Ehemann

    Thanks for the great memories and beautiful photos of my trip with you. First are the remarkable experiences of the Christmas celebration at Lalibela, followed by the monkeys in the Simien mountains and the days in the villages of the natives in the Omo valley. Congratulations on your 10 years in Africa. Larry Ehemann.

    • Piper

      You are so welcome!! It was my pleasure. The exotic Ethiopia trip, going to the North and South, was very special!!