10,000 trees for the Maasai Mara!
More than just planting tree’s this fantastic project also teaches school children the responsibility to care for something where they will see real results from their efforts and learn why conservation is so important.

Here is why Meikan Safaris and Piper Mackay Photo Safaris is teaming up with Conserve Maasai Mara for their annual tree planting and fundraising project –
Mayian, who is a Maasai and the founder of Conserve Maasai Mara, has selected 8 schools in the Sekenani area (the lower gate to the Maasai Mara) to participate. Each school has a about 500 students. The students will not only be helping with the planting of the 10,000.00 trees but will have the responsibility to water and nurture the trees to full growth. Each student will have 2-3 trees that is their sole responsibility. We believe this is a magical experience for young children and may produce some of the next conservationist in Kenya. The tree’s will be planted at the end of April in what should be the start of the big rainy season. At the end of the high season (tourism) and before the short rains in November the team will visit the schools and the children who have done the best job of caring for their personal trees will be select to go on safari with Meikan Safaris in the Maasai Mara.

This project does not stop with just planting and caring for the trees. Conserve Maasai Mara is also training the youth to establish a tree nursery to raise seedlings for future plantings and provide income to the community. As I was typing this, we just received word that 1 acre of land in Sekenani has been donated, next to a river, for the planting and raising of seedling. The CMM team will also be training the older children on tree management practices and record keeping of their generated income from the sale of tree seedlings. When a community, such as the Maasai, benefit from conservation, they will protect it.
WHY planting trees is a great idea and solution to so many problems –
- Forest return moisture to the air, they are fundamental in the formation of clouds, helping to regulate weather patterns and helping an area avoid severe drought.
- Trees bring life and help replenish an eco-system. As squirrels, birds and other wildlife enter an area, it is the trees that create microhabitats for them to seek refuge, acquire sustenance, and thrive.
- A single mature tree can sustain several hundred different species all at once. Insects, lichen, fungi, and bacteria rely on trees for habitation, refuge, and food
- Trees have been treasured for centuries by indigenous people for their medicinal value.
- Known as the lungs of the earth, trees help absorbs and sink the carbon contributing to global warming and/or climate change.
- Trees hold soil in place fighting erosion; absorbing rainwater that helps reduce runoff and sediment deposit.
- Wellness – When people stand under the shade trees in a forest, hearing the birds chirping and wind crackling through the leaves and branches, one feels calm and at peace.
Tree Seedlings .50 per seedling | 10,000 | $5,000.00 |
Rental equipment – making holes for planting | $200.00 | |
Cost of fuel to deliver seedlings | $600.00 | |
Water and lunch for volunteers | 100 | $400.00 |
Total funds | $6,200.00 |

The core mission of Conserve Maasai Mara is community empowerment through education and advocacy on sustainable livelihoods and practices with positive impact on nature and wildlife. Therefore, we are very honored to partner with them on the 2022 annual tree planting event and hope you will help to support the project!
Learn more about Conserve Maasai Mara
The fate of all life on our planet is intertwined with the survival of our tree population. Without trees to regulate and maintain the environment, there would be no life on Earth.