No blog post

NOthing new??? Yes but…like so many of you… working on that new blog post, so much to tell and yet taking the time to make the   post and wondering if the words are going to get to paper and then so much time passes what do I say when I have said so much in my own head……… and to this post just does not  seem to happen lately. so a big Hello to all of you that have been so kind to follow my journey…. please stay  tuned as it is my passion  to also inspires you , take risk, live your dreams and put your passion first….



2 Responses to “No blog post”

  1. Phyllis Sale

    many of your photos talk to me………should you like me to help in adding comments to your expressive pix, do get in touch with me……….I understand ‘blocks’ as it is par for the course that it does happen……….a part of life………stillness in the night……..but the creative process is instilled and does surface………………good for you…… time table……….I send you a hug.

  2. Gerry

    Well said!! ALWAYS put your passion first!! 🙂

    As always, thanks for sharing your thoughts!