Spirit-N-Light it up WORKSHOP 2022


March 29-April 3, 2022

With the huge success of our Spirit-N-Light it up workshop in the fall of 2019 , we decided to offer it once again in the spring of  2022! 

We have taken the Spirit-N-Light workshop to the next level by adding a few days of teaching simple flash techniques to greatly improve your image making skills! This is a workshop to challenge yourself, grow your creative vision, and transcend your photography beyond what you have imagined.

Understanding how to see, work with, and manipulate light is one of the most important elements in creating dynamic photographs. Yet, grasping the technical side of natural light and artificial light (flash) is challenging, which is why we drop you into an inspiring environment, with interesting subjects, to learn these valuable skills. Focusing intensely on one important element over several days, hands-on, can have a great impact on immediately elevating your photographic skills. This is the perfect workshop to help you prepare for a trip to an exotic destination or to increase your ability to capture powerful images that stand above the sea of snapshots flooding the internet. We don’t just set up shots so you can take pretty pictures, we actually teach you the viable skills you need to improve your own photography.

Nestled in a valley, surrounded by majestic rolling hills, this workshop takes place on a true working ranch in central California. The wranglers will run the horses through the stunning landscape, creating loads of photographic opportunities for action shots, clouds of dust, roping steers, water spraying, lasso-tossing silhouettes at sunset, and depicting the adversity of ranch life, allowing you to capture the essence of a uniquely American culture. Amongst the action, we will mix in environmental portraiture, straightforward portraits, and close-up work with the horses and wranglers. Although there will be a concentrated focus on dramatic lighting, we will also work on creating interesting compositions, pan blurs, and adding motion and emotion to a still image.

This Spirit-N-Light It Up workshop adds simple flash techniques that will add a “wow” factor to your photographs. During the first few days, you will work with natural light, learning to see and use light and to manipulate your settings to create intriguing and unexpected images. We will then introduce the basics of fill flash, how simple it is to use, but how powerful a tool it is. By the last evening, our goal is to have you comfortable enough to try using off camera flash. For most photographers, adding flash seems overwhelming, too technical, too difficult, or just too much work. This is why we will work side by side, guiding you through the process and working hands-on in a real life photographic environment.

During mid-morning through early afternoon, when the light is harsh, we will teach through instructional slide shows, image reviews, and one-on-one troubleshooting. You can also plop down on the comfy leather couches with a cold drink and learn from each other or relax on the porch while taking it all in.

Our goal is that, regardless of what you know coming into this workshop, you will leave with the confidence in “seeing the light,” have new skills to create more intriguing photographs, and have a stunning portfolio of western images. Come prepared to get out of your comfort zone, work hard, and laugh hard; everyone has a great time during the Spirit-n-light workshops.

To maximize our time in the field, we will stay on the ranch in a log cabin lodge, built by the owner’s hands. The lounge area has shelves filled with books, a stone fireplace, and tables to sit and review images, and this is where we will meet for lectures and to share stories. You can even take a dip in the pool or a long soak in the hot tub adjacent to the main lodge. Owned by the ranch, we will take our meals at the Parkfield café, which is so rich in ranch life atmosphere, it can be a photographic destination.

This workshop is limited to only 9 participants.

“I have attended several of Pipers workshops, and I will be attending several more in the future! She has a way of teaching that truly inspires-She has really helped me move my photography to a new level. I enjoy every aspect of the workshop, from the early morning shoots, to the group image review, and the late night editing. This year Piper added the element of flash to her workshop by including Greg Thomason, who worked with us and explained how to use flash in many different circumstances. Most of us had never used flash before, and his way of teaching truly opened another door for me with my photography. The combination of Piper and Greg together made this workshop spectacular.” Missy Goldwyn


Two caring, expert Instructors: Twice the support, instruction, knowledge, assistance, laughter, and genuine concern for your success – exactly what you need when challenging your self to improve your creative skills and vision.

  •  Piper Mackay has spent thousands of hours in the field across the African continent, using and developing these lighting techniques. She teaches in a basic, creative way that is easy to follow. She now uses a Nikon system, but has  15 years of experience with Canon.
  • Greg Thomason has done assignments for Peter Hurley, one of the top head-shot, portrait photographers in the world. He brings the technical side to teaching flash in a simple fashion. He has traveled with Piper to Kenya and India. He has an ability to click with his subject to bring out a genuine expression. He uses a Nikon system.

The ranch is an easy 3-4 hour drive, depending on traffic, from Los Angeles or San Francisco. The closest small airport is San Louis Obispo County Regional Airport – http://www.sloairport.com


Day 1, March 29, 2022

Arrive at the V6 Ranch in Parksfield California before 2:00PM. We will have our first briefing at 2:30, go out for a late afternoon shoot, followed by a longer briefing and instructional slide show. Dinner will follow.

Day 2 – 5, March 30 -April 2, 2022

In the first light of the morning we will be out on the ranch, in different locations, capturing horse drives, round ups, and the daily life of a cowboy in this stunning landscape. We will come back to the ranch each morning for a scrumptious breakfast followed by some free time. We will gather again before lunch for an image review.

After lunch Piper or Greg will give an instructional presentation followed by hands on clinics in natural light portraiture, beginning fill flash, portraiture techniques, and capturing the details with creative lighting. During these, “Mini workshops”, we will break into small creative teams, collaborating and working together with our subjects. We believe everyone has creative knowledge to share and learning from each other, as well as the instructors. is a big part of the learning process.

In the beautiful light of the afternoon we head back out into the stunning landscape with the horses and cowboys honing in on the newly acquired techniques and skills.

In the evening we will gather in the cafe to have a drink, unwind, relax, share our stories and listen to the intriguing stories of the cowboy culture and ranch life. Dinner will follow.

Day 6, April 3, 2022

We will have one last sunrise shoot before returning to for one last hardy breakfast. We will say our good-byes and leave the ranch by 11:00 AM.

Is this workshop for you?

This workshop was designed for passionate photographers, who want to  develop their skills further and take their photography to the next level by learning about the incredible power of light, natural and beginning flash. If you have been pointing and shooting at everything that excites you, but feel stagnate in your creativity and photographic level, this is a great workshop for you! If you own a flash, but leave it in your bag or have an interest in learning how flash can greatly improve your photography, but are intimidated by the technology aspects, this is the perfect workshop for you!

Below are a series of images showing how critical and significant, using a little fill flash out in the field, can have a huge impact on your photograph. In the first two sets of images it shows the before and after of using  simple fill flash with the flash on the camera. Without flash, the eyes of the subjects are complete lost, which is the most important element when connecting a viewer to the subject.

When creating environmental photographs against a sky, if you expose for the sky, generally your subject will be dark, like a silhouette. You loose all the detail in your subject and return home with a mediocre snap shot showing were you were, not with an dynamic image you made while in an amazing location. The image below would have been deleted if I had not used flash.

In the image Greg captured along the Ganges River, India, he exposed correctly for the background and used flash, slightly off camera,  to lift the shadows on his subject. Here the light looks completely natural. In the image the follows I used off camera flash to light the subject against a dramatic sky, after sunset.

One of Greg’s specialties is the way he connects with his subjects. This last photograph was created on the ranch during the first spirit-N-Light it up workshop. These series of  images were all created using one simple speed light ( a simple flash that mounts to your camera)


Participants should have good working knowledge of their camera; dials/settings, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and exposure value. Participants should be comfortable shooting in creative modes such as aperture priority, shutter priority, or manual modes. Participants should know enough digital workflow to  be able to download and edit images for review.

This is not a beginning workshop. We will not be teaching participants how to use their camera or the basics of photography, such as what aperture and shutter speed and ISO are used for. We will be teaching you how to use these tools to move past the basics of photography.

If you have any concerns, please contact me at info@PiperMackayPhotography.com

“The Spirit-N-Light workshop was magical.   a  working ranch, Piper’s incredible expertise and enthusiasm, and individual attention for each participant allowed each of us to experience a photographic journey that will always be remembered”. – Bill Koenig

Important Details


The cost of this all-inclusive workshop is $3,595.00, based on double occupancy.Most rooms have a loft, so there is one bed in the loft and another on the main level.

Single Accommodations are limited. If available, there is a single supplement fee payable of $850.00.

If you request shared accommodation on your registration form, we will do our best to match you with a roommate. However, if we are unable to match a solo guest with another guest of the same gender, then the single supplement will subsequently be charged.

Deposit of USD $995.00 is due at the time of registration. The deposit is non-refundable and we highly recommend trip cancelation insurance.

This workshop is “all-inclusive with the exception of beer and wine.” From the time you arrive on Tuesday afternoon until we part on Sunday, you will not have to pay for anything, except for beer and/or wine. All accommodation, meals, soda, water, snacks, ranch fees, wrangler fees, model fees, model releases, instruction, and critiques are included.

The ranch is an easy 3-4 hour drive, depending on traffic, from Los Angeles or San Francisco. The closest small airport is San Louis Obispo County Regional Airport – http://www.sloairport.com. Transportation is available on the ranch during the workshop, but it is your responsibility to get yourself to the ranch. We will be car sharing and car pooling while at the ranch.

Meals and Snacks
Beverages-non-alcoholic drinks (coffee, tea, soda, bottled water, etc)
Ranch fee’s
Wrangler fee’s
Gratuities -wranglers and lodge staff
Model releases
Instruction, lectures, and reviews with a professional photographer

Not Included
Alcoholic beverages
Transportation to and from the ranch

You will need to arrive at the ranch by 2:00 March 29, 2022
We will leave the ranch by 11:00 AM on April 3, 2022
We will car pool to the shoots on the ranch

Payment Terms

USD $995.00 non-refundable deposit to confirm your place on this tour
Final payment/balance is due November 15, 2021


The group size for the workshop is limited to 9 participants. The Spirit-N-Light workshops are very popular and usually fill quickly. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity then now is the time to register! To secure your spot, please complete the on-line registration form and make the $995.00 non-refundable deposit. Both the registration and deposit must be received to confirm you spot.

1. click this link to access the e-registartion form. Once you have completed this form you will be asked to confirm your email address, which will finalize your registration form. A copy of your registration will be emailed to you and to Piper Mackay Photo Safaris

2. Use the button below to make  your deposit. You do not need to have a Paypal account to use this payment option.

Sold Out - Wait List


    Dates & Prices

  • Date(s): Mar 29th - Apr 3rd, 2022
  • Price: $3,595.00 USD
  • Participants: 9
Trip Leader: Piper Mackay
Trip Leader: Greg Thomason